
Virtualizing helps you render a lot of data efficiently. It will only mount the elements you see in the screen, no matter how big the data is.

Target usages

  • Text editor
  • Tables
  • Etc


Freya comes with a VirtualScrollView component which can help you archive the virtualization of some data.

The virtualization logic of VirtualScrollView is implemented at component-level, so, you could implement your own version if you wanted.

Here is an example:

fn main() {

fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    let values = use_state(cx, || vec!["Hello World"].repeat(400));

        VirtualScrollView {
            width: "100%",
            height: "100%",
            show_scrollbar: true,
            direction: "vertical",
            length: values.get().len(),
            item_size: 25.0,
            builder_values: values.get(),
            builder: Box::new(move |(key, index, _cx, values)| {
                let values = values.unwrap();
                let value = values[index];
                rsx! {
                    label {
                        key: "{key}",
                        height: "25",
                        "{index} {value}"

alt text



By default, it does not display a scrollbar. However, you can enable it by setting the show_scrollbar parameter to true.


It supports both vertical and horizontal directions. If direction is set to vertical, the items will be displayed in a single column, with the scrollbar appearing on the right-hand side. If direction is set to horizontal, the items will be displayed in a single row, with the scrollbar appearing at the bottom.


How many elements can be rendered. Usually the lenth of your data.


Used to calculate how many elements can be fit in the viewport.


Any data that you might need in the builder function


This is a function that dinamically creates an element for the given index in the list. It receives 4 arguments, a key for the element, the index of the element, the Scope (cx) and the builder_values you previously passed.